Registered Office : 5D, Kakad House, 5th Floor, 'A' Wing, , Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Marg, , Opp.Liberty Cinema, New Marine Lines, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400020 Tel: 022-22019473, 22019417 Fax: 022-22012105
Bigshare Services Pvt. Ltd. S6-2, 6th Floor, Pinnacle Business Park, Next to Ahura Centre, Ma Mumbai,400093,Maharashtra Tel: 022-62638200 Fax: 62638261
The company reported standalone net profit of Rs 2.07 crore for the quarter
With reference to SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement) Reg
Pursuant to Regulation 30 and 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Discl
Pursuant to Regulation 30 and 33 read with Schedule III of the SEBI (Listin