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GAIL (India) Ltd.
( in Crs.)

ParticularsSep 24Mar 24Sep 23Mar 23Sep 22
Net Sales/Income from operations68626.6767665.0765834.4769091.1376577.17
Total Income From Operations68626.6767665.0765834.4769091.1376577.17
Consumption of Raw Materials3385.344202.613122.853796.853063.30
Purchase of Traded Goods50251.3949501.5351168.5558088.1665875.95
Increase/Decrease in Stocks1217.15-71.0230.00814.95-2807.88
Employees Cost1114.961143.171130.52979.05923.34
Other Expenses3930.614833.224141.794374.453072.13
Total Expenses61973.6261722.5561152.6769383.0171498.86
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax6653.055942.524681.80-291.885078.31
Other Income497.22650.46357.35996.30332.17
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax7150.276592.985039.15704.425410.48
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax6753.336258.734654.20477.555270.77
P/L Before Tax6753.336258.734654.20477.555270.77
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities5042.884752.343468.39166.913920.92
Net Profit/Loss For the Period5042.884752.343468.39166.913920.92
Minority Interest3.46-4.320.737.6112.50
Share Of P/L Of Associates830.14915.30766.78873.42634.64
Net P/L After Minority Interest & Share Of Associates5876.485663.324235.901047.944568.06
Equity Share Capital6575.106575.106575.106575.106575.10
Reserves And Surplus0.0058302.330.000.000.00
EPS Before Extra Ordinary *     
Basic EPS (Rs.)8.947.236.440.256.91
Diluted EPS (Rs.)8.947.236.440.256.91
EPS After Extra Ordinary *     
Basic EPS (Rs.) 8.947.236.440.256.91
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 8.948.616.441.596.91
PBITOE Margin (%)9.698.787.11-0.426.63
PBTE Margin (%)9.849.247.060.696.88
PBT Margin (%)9.849.247.060.696.88
PAT Margin (%)7.347.
PAT After MI And SOA Margin (%)8.568.366.431.515.96
ParticularsSep 24
Net Sales/Income from operations68626.67
Total Income From Operations68626.67
Consumption of Raw Materials3385.34
Purchase of Traded Goods50251.39
Increase/Decrease in Stocks1217.15
Employees Cost1114.96
Other Expenses3930.61
Total Expenses61973.62
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax6653.05
Other Income497.22
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax7150.27
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax6753.33
P/L Before Tax6753.33
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities5042.88
Net Profit/Loss For the Period5042.88
Minority Interest3.46
Share Of P/L Of Associates830.14
Net P/L After Minority Interest & Share Of Associates5876.48
Equity Share Capital6575.10
Reserves And Surplus0.00
EPS Before Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.)8.94
Diluted EPS (Rs.)8.94
EPS After Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.) 8.94
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 8.94
PBITOE Margin (%)9.69
PBTE Margin (%)9.84
PBT Margin (%)9.84
PAT Margin (%)7.34
PAT After MI And SOA Margin (%)8.56