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You can view the shareholding pattern for the latest three quarters for the company under two broad categories (Promoter & Non Promters).
Gujarat Gas Ltd.
Shareholding Pattern as on 31/12/2024
Summary statement holding of specified securities
Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Shareholding as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
(A) Promoter & Promoter Group 3 419183540 419183540 60.89 60.89 419183540
(B) Public 178064 269206585 269206585 39.11 39.11 267422135
(C1) Shares underlying DRs 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
(C2) Shares held by Employee Trust 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
(C) Non Promoter-Non Public 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
Grand Total 178067 688390125 688390125 100.00 100.00 686605675

Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held No. of shares underlying Depository Receipts Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
Any Other (specify) 2 374206230 0 374206230 54.36 374206230
Gujarat State Petronet Limited 1 372873995 0 372873995 54.17 372873995
Gujarat State Energy Generation Limited 1 1332235 0 1332235 0.19 1332235
Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Limited 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Central Government/ State Government(s) 1 44977310 0 44977310 6.53 44977310
Governor of Gujarat 1 44977310 0 44977310 6.53 44977310
Grand Total3419183540041918354060.89419183540
Public Shareholding
Mutual Funds 25 48050618 0 48050618 6.98 48050618
ICICI PRUDENTIAL REGULAR SAVINGS FUND 1 17767948 0 17767948 2.58 17767948
Insurance Companies 11 49601320 0 49601320 7.21 49601320
LICI NEW ENDOWMENT PLUS-GROWTH FUND 1 41715184 0 41715184 6.06 41715184
Alternate Investment Funds 3 149594 0 149594 0.02 149594
Banks 1 3300 0 3300 0.00 3300
Foreign Portfolio Investors Category I 187 30205068 0 30205068 4.39 30205068
Foreign Portfolio Investors Category II 12 951313 0 951313 0.14 951313
Sub Total239128961213012896121318.74128961213
Any Others (Specify) 2014 990909 0 990909 0.14 990909
HUF 1992 701311 0 701311 0.10 701311
Clearing Members 10 274761 0 274761 0.04 274761
Trusts 11 12337 0 12337 0.00 12337
Unclaimed or Suspense or Escrow Account 1 2500 0 2500 0.00 2500
Bodies Corporate 533 53141409 0 53141409 7.72 53131409
GUJARAT STATE FERTILIZERS & CHEMICALS LIMITED 1 46914475 0 46914475 6.82 46914475
Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs 172186 33968778 0 33968778 4.93 32194328
Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs 2 425000 0 425000 0.06 425000
Non Resident Indians (NRIs) 3083 1313311 0 1313311 0.19 1313311
Foreign Companies 1 20000 0 20000 0.00 20000
Key Managerial Personnel 1 10 0 10 0.00 10
Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) 1 2158985 0 2158985 0.31 2158985
Sub Total1778219201840209201840213.3590233952
Central Government / State Government(s) / President of India
Shareholding by Companies or Bodies Corporate where Central / State Government is a promoter 4 48226970 0 48226970 7.01 48226970
GUJARAT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1 26644735 0 26644735 3.87 26644735
GUJARAT ALKALIES AND CHEMICALS LIMITED 1 21315785 0 21315785 3.10 21315785
Sub Total4482269700482269707.0148226970
Grand Total178064269206585026920658539.10267422135