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You can view the shareholding pattern for the latest three quarters for the company under two broad categories (Promoter & Non Promters).
Anand Rayons Ltd.
Shareholding Pattern as on 22/02/2025
Summary statement holding of specified securities
Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) No. of shares underlying outstanding convertible securities (including warrants) Shareholding as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) As a % of (A+B+C2) No. of Locked in shares - No.(a) No. of Locked in shares - As a % of total shares held(b) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
(A) Promoter & Promoter Group 6 10702184 10702184 58.22 900000 48.65 7926063 74.06 10702184
(B) Public 5014 7680537 7680537 41.78 4564000 51.35 5220 0.07 4282537
(C1) Shares underlying DRs 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
(C2) Shares held by Employee Trust 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
(C) Non Promoter-Non Public 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Grand Total 5020 18382721 18382721 100.00 5464000 100.00 7931283 43.15 14984721

Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held No. of shares underlying Depository Receipts Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
Individuals / Hindu Undivided Family 6 10702184 0 10702184 58.22 10702184
ANAND GOKULBHAI BAKSHI 1 5487883 0 5487883 29.85 5487883
VASUBEN GOKULBHAI BAKSHI 1 2600075 0 2600075 14.14 2600075
BAKSHI MALAYA 1 1275000 0 1275000 6.94 1275000
SHILPA ANAND BAKSHI 1 1163180 0 1163180 6.33 1163180
MISHRA HEMA ARUNI 1 175542 0 175542 0.95 175542
Grand Total61070218401070218458.2210702184
Public Shareholding
Any Others (Specify) 107 1182518 0 1182518 6.43 262518
HUF 101 702953 0 702953 3.82 249953
Firm 2 427000 0 427000 2.32 0
DAGA CAPITAL 1 250000 0 250000 1.36 0
LLP 2 40000 0 40000 0.22 0
Clearing Members 2 12565 0 12565 0.07 12565
Bodies Corporate 14 247094 0 247094 1.34 197094
Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs 4794 2045541 0 2045541 11.13 1919541
Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs 83 4007541 0 4007541 21.80 1705541
HASMUKH PARMAR 1 340300 0 340300 1.85 340300
DESAI BIJAL DHARMESHBHAI 1 223249 0 223249 1.21 223249
Non Resident Indians (NRIs) 15 73843 0 73843 0.40 73843
Relatives of promoters (other than 'immediate relatives' of promoters disclosed under 'Promoter and Promoter Group' category) 1 124000 0 124000 0.67 124000
Sub Total501476805370768053741.774282537
Grand Total501476805370768053741.774282537