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Fedbank Financial Services Ltd.
ISIN No INE007N01010 Market Cap. ( in Cr. ) 3261.09 P/BV 1.36 Book Value ( ) 64.48
BSE Code 544027 52 Week High/Low ( ) 133/87 FV/ML 10/1 P/E(X) 13.33
NSE Code FEDFINAEQ Book Closure 19/09/2024 EPS ( ) 6.57 Div Yield (%) 0.00
FromToClass of SharesAuth. Capital( in Cr.)Issued Capital( in Cr.)Paid Up Shares(No.)Face Value ( )Paid Up Capital( in Cr.)
20232024Equity Share990.00369.3936938689910369.39
20222023Equity Share990.00321.9132191160510321.91
20212022Equity Share990.00321.5232151760510321.52
20202021Equity Share990.00289.9228992342510289.92
20182019Equity Share300.00230.0423004250010230.04