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You can view the annual results for the last 5 years.
Xpro India Ltd.
( in Crs.)

ParticularsMar 24Mar 23Mar 22Mar 21Mar 20
Net Sales/Income from operations465.41510.97471.72373.35354.84
Total Income From Operations465.41510.97471.72373.35354.84
Consumption of Raw Materials317.18346.95327.97262.01262.46
Increase/Decrease in Stocks-1.683.15-2.373.06-6.40
Employees Cost26.8230.0730.1926.8325.20
Other Expenses56.9556.3752.1040.3843.91
Total Expenses410.41448.06419.96344.67337.38
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax55.0062.9151.7628.6917.46
Other Income12.193.861.842.111.54
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax67.1966.7653.6030.8018.99
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax62.1859.2340.5913.480.41
Exceptional Items-
P/L Before Tax60.1659.2340.5913.480.41
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities43.8845.3644.938.350.40
Net Profit/Loss For the Period43.8845.3644.938.350.40
Net P/L After Minority Interest & Share Of Associates43.8845.3644.938.350.40
Equity Share Capital22.0318.2111.8111.8111.81
Reserves And Surplus489.49184.10122.7278.0870.12
EPS Before Extra Ordinary *     
Basic EPS (Rs.)21.8125.5738.037.070.34
Diluted EPS (Rs.)21.7724.3537.577.070.34
EPS After Extra Ordinary *     
Basic EPS (Rs.) 21.8125.5738.037.070.34
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 21.8124.3537.577.070.34
PBITOE Margin (%)11.8112.3110.977.684.91
PBTE Margin (%)13.3611.598.603.610.11
PBT Margin (%)12.9211.598.603.610.11
PAT Margin (%)9.428.879.522.230.11
PAT After MI And SOA Margin (%)9.428.879.522.230.11
ParticularsMar 24
Net Sales/Income from operations465.41
Total Income From Operations465.41
Consumption of Raw Materials317.18
Increase/Decrease in Stocks-1.68
Employees Cost26.82
Other Expenses56.95
Total Expenses410.41
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax55.00
Other Income12.19
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax67.19
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax62.18
Exceptional Items-2.02
P/L Before Tax60.16
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities43.88
Net Profit/Loss For the Period43.88
Net P/L After Minority Interest & Share Of Associates43.88
Equity Share Capital22.03
Reserves And Surplus489.49
EPS Before Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.)21.81
Diluted EPS (Rs.)21.77
EPS After Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.) 21.81
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 21.81
PBITOE Margin (%)11.81
PBTE Margin (%)13.36
PBT Margin (%)12.92
PAT Margin (%)9.42
PAT After MI And SOA Margin (%)9.42