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You can view the annual results for the last 5 years.
Bharat Dynamics Ltd.
( in Crs.)

ParticularsMar 24Mar 23Mar 22Mar 21Mar 20
Net Sales/Income from operations2350.582469.032817.401913.762985.29
Other Operating Income18.7020.360.000.00109.91
Total Income From Operations2369.282489.392817.401913.763095.20
Consumption of Raw Materials1119.961210.331263.37970.081036.07
Increase/Decrease in Stocks-222.63-19.04-84.36-128.91503.66
Employees Cost600.01532.46570.66501.09534.03
Other Expenses335.39357.44341.66226.78293.87
Total Expenses1899.762158.452181.691663.582464.07
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax469.51330.94635.71250.18631.13
Other Income361.83155.40111.2194.61115.98
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax831.34486.34746.92344.79747.11
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax828.24481.80743.50340.88742.45
Exceptional Items0.000.00-33.590.000.00
P/L Before Tax828.24481.80709.91340.88742.45
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities612.72352.17499.92257.77534.90
Net Profit/Loss For the Period612.72352.17499.92257.77534.90
Equity Share Capital183.28183.28183.28183.28183.28
Reserves And Surplus3453.543028.222847.282501.472423.55
Equity Dividend Rate105.5093.5083.0073.5088.00
EPS Before Extra Ordinary *     
Basic EPS (Rs.)16.7219.2227.2814.0629.18
Diluted EPS (Rs.)16.7219.2227.2814.0629.18
EPS After Extra Ordinary *     
Basic EPS (Rs.) 16.7219.2227.2814.0629.18
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 16.7219.2227.2814.0629.18
PBITOE Margin (%)19.8113.2922.5613.0720.39
PBTE Margin (%)34.9519.3526.3817.8123.98
PBT Margin (%)34.9519.3525.1917.8123.98
PAT Margin (%)25.8614.1417.7413.4617.28
ParticularsMar 24
Net Sales/Income from operations2350.58
Other Operating Income18.70
Total Income From Operations2369.28
Consumption of Raw Materials1119.96
Increase/Decrease in Stocks-222.63
Employees Cost600.01
Other Expenses335.39
Total Expenses1899.76
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax469.51
Other Income361.83
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax831.34
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax828.24
Exceptional Items0.00
P/L Before Tax828.24
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities612.72
Net Profit/Loss For the Period612.72
Equity Share Capital183.28
Reserves And Surplus3453.54
Equity Dividend Rate105.50
EPS Before Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.)16.72
Diluted EPS (Rs.)16.72
EPS After Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.) 16.72
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 16.72
PBITOE Margin (%)19.81
PBTE Margin (%)34.95
PBT Margin (%)34.95
PAT Margin (%)25.86