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Mahindra Manulife Dynamic Bond Fund

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Fund : Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund
Category : Debt - Credit Risk
Type : Open Ended
NAV(13/03/2025) 13.8673
Percentage Returns :
1 Month Ago : 0.56%
3 Months Ago : 1.04%
1 Year Ago : 7.07%

AMC Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Pvt. Ltd.
Fund Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund
Address 1st Floor, Sadhana House, Behind Mahindra Tower, 570 P. B. Marg, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400018
Phone No 66327900
Fax 66327932
Setup Date 04/02/2016
Type Of Mutual Fund Pvt.Sector-Joint Venture (Indian)
Trustee Company Name Mahindra Manulife Trustee Pvt. Ltd.
Name Of Trustee Mr. Debabrata Bandyopadhyay
Mr. Gautam G Parekh
Mr. Nilesh Sathe
Mr. Suneet K Maheshwari
Mr. Krishnaswamy Arabadi Sridhar
Mr. M G Bhide
Mr. Mukul K Gupta
AMC Incorporation Date 20/06/2013
Name Of Directors of AMC Mr. Sethu Gururajan
Ms. Chitra Andrade
Mr. Ramesh Iyer
Mr. Anthony Heredia
Mr. Vijay Seshadri Ramachandran
Mr. Gianni Fiacco
CEO Mr. Anthony Heredia
CIO Mr. Rahul Pal, Mr. Krishna Sanghavi
Fund Manager Mr. Abhinav Khandelwal Mr. Amit Garg Mr. Kush Sonigara Mr. Manish Lodha Ms. Alpha Negi Ms. Fatema Pacha Renjith Sivaram
Auditor M/s B K Khare & Co. , M/s Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP.
Compliance Officer Mr. Ravi Dayma
Investor Service Officer Ms. Pooja Vineet Deherkar
Registrar Computer Age Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Custodian M/s Deutsche Bank AG