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You can view the shareholding pattern for the latest three quarters for the company under two broad categories (Promoter & Non Promters).
Bosch Ltd.
Shareholding Pattern as on 31/12/2024
Summary statement holding of specified securities
Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Shareholding as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
(A) Promoter & Promoter Group 2 20805224 20805224 70.54 70.54 20805224
(B) Public 65530 8688416 8688416 29.46 29.46 8622583
(C1) Shares underlying DRs 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
(C2) Shares held by Employee Trust 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
(C) Non Promoter-Non Public 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
Grand Total 65532 29493640 29493640 100.00 100.00 29427807

Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held No. of shares underlying Depository Receipts Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
Any Other (specify) 1 820900 0 820900 2.78 820900
Sub Total182090008209002.78820900
Any Others (Specify) 1 19984324 0 19984324 67.76 19984324
ROBERT BOSCH INTERNATIONALE BETEILIGUNGEN AG 1 19984324 0 19984324 67.76 19984324
ROBERT BOSCH GmbH 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Sub Total11998432401998432467.7619984324
Grand Total22080522402080522470.5420805224
Public Shareholding
Mutual Funds 169 1879085 0 1879085 6.37 1879085
HDFC Mutual Fund (Various Schemes) 1 665128 0 665128 2.26 665128
Insurance Companies 31 2521574 0 2521574 8.55 2521324
GENERAL INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA 1 812077 0 812077 2.75 812077
LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA(Various Schemes) 1 534172 0 534172 1.81 533922
THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED 1 513672 0 513672 1.74 513672
Provident Funds/ Pension Funds 16 169059 0 169059 0.57 169059
Alternate Investment Funds 23 104355 0 104355 0.35 104355
NBFCs registered with RBI 1 71 0 71 0.00 71
Banks 7 7740 0 7740 0.03 2850
Foreign Portfolio Investors Category I 509 1761273 0 1761273 5.97 1761273
Foreign Portfolio Investors Category II 19 49961 0 49961 0.17 49961
Sub Total77564931180649311822.016487978
Any Others (Specify) 38 44264 0 44264 0.15 44264
Trusts 33 44251 0 44251 0.15 44251
Clearing Members 5 13 0 13 0.00 13
Bodies Corporate 789 196103 0 196103 0.66 194703
Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs 61294 1624439 0 1624439 5.51 1565256
Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs 5 163883 0 163883 0.56 163883
Non Resident Indians (NRIs) 2625 126187 0 126187 0.43 126077
Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) 1 40142 0 40142 0.14 40142
Foreign Nationals 3 280 0 280 0.00 280
Sub Total647552195298021952987.452134605
Grand Total6553086884160868841629.468622583