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Bonanza Industries Ltd.
( in Crs.)

ParticularsDec 18Dec 17Dec 16Dec 15Dec 14
Net Sales/Income from operations4.454.113.434.880.76
Other Operating Income0.
Total Income From Operations4.454.113.434.880.78
Purchase of Traded Goods4.233.943.334.740.55
Employees Cost0.
Other Expenses0.
Total Expenses4.454.073.434.820.69
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax(4.45)0.03(3.43)0.060.09
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax(4.45)0.03(3.43)0.060.09
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax(4.45)0.03(3.43)0.060.09
P/L Before Tax(4.45)0.03(3.43)0.060.09
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities(4.45)0.03(3.43)0.060.09
Net Profit/Loss For the Period0.
Equity Share Capital1.
PBITOE Margin (%)0.100.83-0.111.3211.41
PBTE Margin (%)0.100.83-0.111.3211.41
PBT Margin (%)0.100.83-0.111.3211.41
PAT Margin (%)0.100.83-0.111.3211.41
ParticularsDec 18
Net Sales/Income from operations4.45
Other Operating Income0.00
Total Income From Operations4.45
Purchase of Traded Goods4.23
Employees Cost0.04
Other Expenses0.18
Total Expenses4.45
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax(4.45)
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax(4.45)
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax(4.45)
P/L Before Tax(4.45)
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities(4.45)
Net Profit/Loss For the Period0.00
Equity Share Capital1.21
PBITOE Margin (%)0.10
PBTE Margin (%)0.10
PBT Margin (%)0.10
PAT Margin (%)0.10