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Atmastco Ltd.
ISIN No INE05DH01017 Market Cap. ( in Cr. ) 503.85 P/BV 4.12 Book Value ( ) 49.40
BSE Code - 52 Week High/Low ( ) 394/115 FV/ML 10/400 P/E(X) 30.83
NSE Code ATMASTCOSM Book Closure EPS ( ) 6.61 Div Yield (%) 0.00
Individual Share Holding Pattern as on 30/09/202430/06/202430/03/2024
Name No. of Shares% HoldingNo. of Shares% HoldingNo. of Shares% Holding
Apex Steel & Technology India Private Limited30/09/202400.0030/06/202400.0030/03/20244,921,23626.24
Banumathi Ganesa n30/09/202400.0030/06/202400.0030/03/2024136,5000.73
G. Venkataraman30/09/202400.0030/06/202400.0030/03/20244,313,40023.00
Jayasudha Iyer30/09/202400.0030/06/202400.0030/03/2024382,2002.04
Seethalakshmi R30/09/202400.0030/06/202400.0030/03/2024109,2000.58
Sowrirajan S30/09/202400.0030/06/202400.0030/03/2024122,8500.66
Subramaniam Swaminathan Iyer30/09/202400.0030/06/202400.0030/03/20248,399,63744.79
Vishwam Constructions Private Limited30/09/202400.0030/06/202400.0030/03/2024367,3471.96