
Market Nav

SYKES & RAY EQUITIES (INDIA) LIMITED provides you with a veritable goldmine of information on over 5000 companies. Included here are Profit and Loss accounts, balance sheets for the last five years, quarterly results and news items. To dive in, just enter the first few letters of the company or either BSE Code or NSE Code in search box provided.

Company NameBSE CodeNSE CodeISIN
S & S Power Switch 517273 S&SPOWEREQ INE902B01017
S & T Corporation Lt 514197 -INE110Q01023
S A Tech Software In -SATECHST INE0BSN01013
S Chand & Company 540497 SCHANDEQ INE807K01035
S D Retail -SDREAMSST INE0X6F01017
S H Kelkar & Company 539450 SHKEQ INE500L01026
S J Logistics (India -SJLOGISTICSM INE0F3301020
S Kumars Online Ltd. 532316 -INE827A01018
S M Gold 542034 -INE00Q901014
S P Apparels Ltd. 540048 SPALEQ INE212I01016
S P Capital Financin 530289 -INE102F01015
S R G Securities Fin 536710 -INE326P01019
S R Industries L 513515 -INE329C01011
Saakshi Medtech -SAAKSHISM INE0PSK01027
SAB Events & Governa 540081 SABEVENTSBE INE860T01019
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