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You can view the half yearly results for the last 5 years.
Alchemist Ltd.
( in Crs.)

ParticularsSep 20Mar 20Sep 19Mar 19Sep 18
Net Sales/Income from operations2.013.9310.4912.0914.65
Total Income From Operations2.013.9310.4912.0914.65
Consumption of Raw Materials0.771.782.914.114.37
Purchase of Traded Goods0.130.993.825.715.39
Increase/Decrease in Stocks-
Employees Cost1.012.413.003.403.98
Other Expenses372.1948.162.092.9249.87
Total Expenses377.1356.7215.4219.5467.35
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax-375.11-52.79-4.93-7.45-52.70
Other Income123.850.240.050.910.01
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax-251.27-52.55-4.88-6.55-52.69
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax-251.35-52.89-5.09-7.07-53.53
P/L Before Tax-251.35-52.89-5.09-7.07-53.53
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities-187.18-41.24-5.494.42-54.06
Net Profit/Loss For the Period-187.18-41.24-5.494.42-54.06
Share Of P/L Of Associates0.000.000.00-0.010.00
Net P/L After Minority Interest & Share Of Associates-187.18-41.24-5.494.41-54.06
Equity Share Capital13.5613.5613.5613.5613.56
Reserves And Surplus0.00-209.740.00-163.090.00
EPS Before Extra Ordinary *     
Basic EPS (Rs.)-138.04-30.41-4.053.26-39.87
Diluted EPS (Rs.)-138.04(30.41)-4.053.26-39.87
EPS After Extra Ordinary *     
Basic EPS (Rs.) -138.04-30.41-4.053.25-39.87
Diluted EPS (Rs.) -138.04(30.41)-4.053.25-39.87
PBITOE Margin (%)-18617.03-1344.59-47.03-61.65-359.74
PBTE Margin (%)-12474.67-1347.16-48.54-58.52-365.38
PBT Margin (%)-12474.67-1347.16-48.54-58.52-365.38
PAT Margin (%)-9289.87-1050.33-52.3636.56-369.00
PAT After MI And SOA Margin (%)-9289.87-1050.31-52.3636.52-369.00
ParticularsSep 20
Net Sales/Income from operations2.01
Total Income From Operations2.01
Consumption of Raw Materials0.77
Purchase of Traded Goods0.13
Increase/Decrease in Stocks-0.07
Employees Cost1.01
Other Expenses372.19
Total Expenses377.13
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax-375.11
Other Income123.85
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax-251.27
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax-251.35
P/L Before Tax-251.35
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities-187.18
Net Profit/Loss For the Period-187.18
Share Of P/L Of Associates0.00
Net P/L After Minority Interest & Share Of Associates-187.18
Equity Share Capital13.56
Reserves And Surplus0.00
EPS Before Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.)-138.04
Diluted EPS (Rs.)-138.04
EPS After Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.) -138.04
Diluted EPS (Rs.) -138.04
PBITOE Margin (%)-18617.03
PBTE Margin (%)-12474.67
PBT Margin (%)-12474.67
PAT Margin (%)-9289.87
PAT After MI And SOA Margin (%)-9289.87