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You can view the annual results for the last 5 years.
3rd Rock Multimedia Ltd.
( in Crs.)

ParticularsMar 19Mar 18
Net Sales/Income from operations15.0820.89
Total Income From Operations15.0820.89
Consumption of Raw Materials14.3219.83
Employees Cost0.110.14
Other Expenses0.160.20
Total Expenses14.9620.56
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax0.120.33
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax0.120.33
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax0.120.33
P/L Before Tax0.120.33
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities0.090.24
Net Profit/Loss For the Period0.090.24
Net P/L After Minority Interest & Share Of Associates0.090.24
Equity Share Capital22.5222.52
EPS Before Extra Ordinary *  
Basic EPS (Rs.)0.040.11
Diluted EPS (Rs.)0.040.11
EPS After Extra Ordinary *  
Basic EPS (Rs.) 0.040.11
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 0.040.11
PBITOE Margin (%)0.771.57
PBTE Margin (%)0.771.57
PBT Margin (%)0.771.57
PAT Margin (%)0.571.16
PAT After MI And SOA Margin (%)0.571.16
ParticularsMar 19
Net Sales/Income from operations15.08
Total Income From Operations15.08
Consumption of Raw Materials14.32
Employees Cost0.11
Other Expenses0.16
Total Expenses14.96
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax0.12
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax0.12
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax0.12
P/L Before Tax0.12
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities0.09
Net Profit/Loss For the Period0.09
Net P/L After Minority Interest & Share Of Associates0.09
Equity Share Capital22.52
EPS Before Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.)0.04
Diluted EPS (Rs.)0.04
EPS After Extra Ordinary * 
Basic EPS (Rs.) 0.04
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 0.04
PBITOE Margin (%)0.77
PBTE Margin (%)0.77
PBT Margin (%)0.77
PAT Margin (%)0.57
PAT After MI And SOA Margin (%)0.57