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31/01/2025 16:32

Ahasolar Technologie - Board Meeting Intimation for Meeting To Be Held On February 07, 2025

Ahasolar Technologies Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 07/02/2025 ,inter alia, to consider and approve 1. To take note of resignation by Mr. Pritesh Mashru from the office of Chief Financial Officer of the Company;\r\n\r\n2. To appoint Mr. Jaydeep Parekh as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company;\r\n\r\n3. To consider and recommend variation and/or change in the terms of the object in the prospectus of the public issued by the Company;\r\n\r\n4. To consider and recommend an Increase in the limits under section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013;\r\n\r\n5. To consider the postal ballot notice for taking approval of the Members;\r\n\r\n6. To appoint M/s. Mukesh H Shah & Co, as scrutinizer to scrutinize the postal ballot process in a fair and transparent manner; \r\n\r\n7. To consider other businesses, if any, which may be placed before the Board with the permission of the Chairman.\r\n