As of December 2024, 69.59% is owned by Promoters and 30.41% by Public.
Among Promoters holding, Indian Promoters holds 68.51% and Foreign Promoters holds 1.08%.
Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares of Alkali Metals Ltd. company are Yerramilli Sri Rama Venkata Rao (69.05 lakhs shares / 67.81%), Yerramilli Lalithya Poorna (1.10 lakhs shares / 1.08%), Nagalakshmi Kumari Yerramilli (41500 shares / 0.41%), Krishnaveni Yerramilli (28994 shares / 0.28%) and Cdc Industrial Infras Limited (633 shares / 0.01%).
Out of 70.86 lakhs shares, Promoters of Alkali Metals Ltd. Company has over 21.30 lakhs (30.05%) shares on pledge as of December 31, 2024.