As of December 2024, 46.03% is owned by Promoters and 53.97% by Public.
Among Promoters holding, Indian Promoters holds 41.85% and Foreign Promoters holds 4.18%.
Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares of Alphageo (India) company are Dinesh Alla (9.60 lakhs shares / 15.08%), Aquila Drilling Private Limited (4.60 lakhs shares / 7.23%), Savita Alla (3.91 lakhs shares / 6.15%), Kamala Alla Rajupet (2.29 lakhs shares / 3.60%) and Sashank Alla (2.24 lakhs shares / 3.52%).
Out of 29.30 lakhs shares, Promoters of Alphageo (India) Company has over 2.81 lakhs (9.57%) shares on pledge as of December 31, 2024.